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Identity Credential & Access Management


LS3 has delivered results for the largest Federal ICAM and PIV programs, a small sampling of which includes:


•For Department of Education (ED) ICAM Program, we succeed through the formation of realistic and achievable ICAM Architecture and provide the clear understanding for how best to integrate LACS/PACS to realize mission goals and lifecycle automation. LS3 leads the ICAM program, providing the roadmaps and strategies to realize valuable outcomes and fully integrated enterprise solutions.


•For USDA’s ICAM, we managed 160 virtual/physical hosts, Cloud environments, in a high availability 24/7/365 99+% uptime environment. Our team managed the Program Office, Development, Operations, and Application Support, consistently developing new services, products, and capabilities, while we managed 500+ integrated applications, USDA’s enterprise PKI, a multi-tier Service Desk, and exceeded all service levels with our support to dozens of Federal Agencies.


•In our management of USDA’s HSPD-12 and USDA’s ePACS programs, we realize effective and meaningful PIV and PACS solutions and implementations. With USDA being the GSA’s largest credentialing partner, we oversee more Shared Service credentialing locations than any other industry vendor. This management scope includes our management of the USDA’s HQ ID Card office, servicing every Federal Agency and support of the full PIV lifecycle including suitability, fitness, & adjudication (5 CFR 731).


•For USDA’s ePACS, LS3 manages the ePACS architecture, service delivery, and integration for thousands of buildings, facilities, and locations across CONUS. Since USDA maintains a physical presence in every County in America, in terms of size and volume, we operate one of the government’s largest and most sophisticated integrated PACS environments with complete success.


•LS3 designed, developed, and managed the government’s largest PIV System at the Veterans Affairs (VA). Our solution issued 30,000+ cards per month at 300+ PIV Card Issuance Facilities (PCIFs) in CONUS and OCONUS locations. It effectively managed the identity and credential lifecycles for millions of entities and credentials. Our support consistently yielded exceptional performance ratings in every rating category for 8 years. LS3 design, delivered, and operated the largest Federal PIV platform, delivering more PIV, PIV-Interoperable, and Facility Access Card (FAC) credentials and from more locations than any other government agency.

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